Placing Your Ads on YouTube with Google AdWords: Part 2

by Chris Crompton, ROI Revolution Blog


In Part 1 of this series, I showed how to launch YouTube promoted videos through Google AdWords.  When you promote one of your videos, you are paying YouTube to funnel more traffic to the video… but the traffic still stays on YouTube.  (Of course, you can include a call-to-action link in your video that goes to your website, but that is more a feature of the video than a specific advertising strategy.)

You probably want to do more than just get people to watch one of your videos in an environment controlled by YouTube.  You want to get people to come to your website where they can take a desired action and you can make money.

There are multiple ways you can get your ads to show on YouTube searches, inside and alongside other people’s videos.  With the right targeting, this can be a very profitable way to take advantage of YouTube’s enormous amount of traffic.

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Tags: Ads, Advantage, Advertising Strategy, Amount Of Traffic, Blog, Chris Crompton, Environment, Google, Launch Videos, Money, People, Watch Videos, Youtube

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